Is your video distribution mix incomplete?

Distributon Platforms

Why CTV?

In the shadow of COVID-19, changes in consumer behavior originally projected to occur over the course of a decade were condensed into 18-months. The pandemic drastically accelerated the adoption of Connected Television (CTV) platforms such as Roku and Apple TV, while cable and satellite providers lost subscribers by the tens of millions. Newly launched CTV networks are quickly moving to capture the very viewers conventional platforms are shedding. CTV networks don’t require legacy systems for distribution; instead, programming is carried over the Internet to proprietary CTV apps, then watched on television screens throughout the home.

The success of even ‘hyper-segmented’ programming (when made available on CTV platforms) has demonstrated that niche video is an extraordinarily underserved market within every content category. Younger audiences expect to watch videos tailored to their individual interests, and they dislike slogging through a buffet of loosely associated content on a digital platform that’s attempting to be all things to all people, only to find a scant few minutes of video they really care about. Instead, they want on-demand access to ‘longtail’ programming, exclusively focused upon the subjects they connect with most…and brought to them by consumer brands they know and trust, rather than traditional/generic media brands, e.g., YouTube.


We build, launch, manage, and monetize enterprise-level CTV networks and channels for consumer brands, influencers, and national media properties. Our turnkey services ensure you stay focused on what you do best, while we take care of the rest.

Whether you’re a nationally-recognized entertainment brand, major retailer, or popular YouTuber, launching a Connected Television channel (under your own label) is a critical step in modernizing your brand, reaching larger audiences, increasing revenue from your existing underleveraged assets, or engaging/expanding your customer base.

CTG is like Shopify for the Connected Television ecosystem: We’ll build your branded CTV app(s), run day-to-day operations (for your new CTV channel), introduce and manage monetization models, promote your channel to viewers most likely to watch your content, handle consumer product support, and even procure content for your channel if necessary.

Some services may be ordered à la carte, and added or deleted as your needs require. Click on each service category below for more information.

  • Construction: We’ll handcraft your CTV app to exactly reflect your brand and achieve your media goals. After you approve the design elements (UI/UX), we’ll build a multitude of identically functioning apps for each of the dozens of different CTV device platforms we support, ranging from Amazon’s Fire TV to Microsoft’s Xbox.

  • Deployment: Upon your approval, each of these individual apps will go live across myriad CTV ecosystems, creating a new touchpoint for your brand that’s immediately accessible by hundreds of millions of consumers.

  • Maintenance: From new features (we develop) to UI/UX changes (you require), we’ll constantly elevate your apps to ensure they always look and operate their best.

  • Proliferation: When new CTV streaming devices come to market, (i.e., Roku competitors), we’ll build new additional apps for your CTV channel (compatible with the latest CTV platform technologies).
  • Ingestion: Through a proprietary CMS with a host of automated features, CTG handles content uploads, multi-file transcoding, timed-release and timed-deletion – as dictated by your instructions.

  • Curation: Utilizing your rule sets, CTG will organize your channel’s content in real-time, ensuring viewers have concise access to the videos they desire.
  • Distribution: We handle every aspect of content delivery, ensuring your various CTV apps are always serving your content exactly as intended, 24/7/365. From multi-CDN management to data storage, every aspect of the digital network serving your CTV channel is operated by CTG.

  • QoE: Quality of experience is elevated through the use of both Adaptive Bitrate and Multi-Bitrate technologies.
  • Videos: We can help fill your new CTV app with popular niche programming (aligned with your brand) under a revenue sharing model – ensuring you won’t need to budget for additional content production and/or licensing above what you’ve already acquired or internally produced.
  • Revenue: Most CTV channels are launched with the intention of generating direct revenue, but not all. If you’ve included direct revenue amongst your channel goals, we will guide you through the many different methods available to (directly) monetize your content, and then execute upon your selected method(s).
  • SEO: Search engine optimization for each of the different CTV platforms in the market today is a critical component of your new CTV channel’s “discoverability”. We handle every step of this process, while educating you on the differing approach options and justifications for each manufacturer, (as they vary substantially).

  • Placement: Where and how your channel’s “tile” appears within a given streaming device can tremendously expedite adoption. We will negotiate premium tile placement opportunities directly with platform executives (on your behalf), whenever applicable.

  • Ads: If your budget permits, running display ads on select CTV platforms will have an outsized impact upon discovery. We’ll educate you on this worthwhile opportunity, negotiate the media buy(s), and manage the ad campaigns.

  • PIK: Payment-in-kind is an emerging opportunity in the CTV ecosphere where, most commonly, electronic manufacturers of Smart TVs will exchange display ads and advantageous tile placement in exchange for “in kind” promotion of their consumer electronic products on your CTV channel. We navigate these ropes for you and handle every aspect of this unique exchange, if applicable.
  • KPI’s: You’ll have a host of real-time data available via an online dashboard to help you make more informed decisions across a multitude of Key Performance Indicators, from content foci to revenue to customer/viewer engagement. It’s your channel, it’s your data – CTG has no rights to your data, other than to provide it to you.
  • Helpdesk: If a user has trouble installing your app or simply has a question, we’ll handle the entire engagement and only involve you under rulesets you define.
CTV Apps
  • Construction: We’ll handcraft your CTV app to exactly reflect your brand and achieve your media goals. After you approve the design elements (UI/UX), we’ll build a multitude of identically functioning apps for each of the dozens of different CTV device platforms we support, ranging from Amazon’s Fire TV to Microsoft’s Xbox.

  • Deployment: Upon your approval, each of these individual apps will go live across myriad CTV ecosystems, creating a new touchpoint for your brand that’s immediately accessible by hundreds of millions of consumers.

  • Maintenance: From new features (we develop) to UI/UX changes (you require), we’ll constantly elevate your apps to ensure they always look and operate their best.

  • Proliferation: When new CTV streaming devices come to market, (i.e., Roku competitors), we’ll build new additional apps for your CTV channel (compatible with the latest CTV platform technologies).
Network Operations
  • Distribution: We handle every aspect of content delivery, ensuring your various CTV apps are always serving your content exactly as intended, 24/7/365. From multi-CDN management to data storage, every aspect of the digital network serving your CTV channel is operated by CTG.
Content Management
  • Ingestion: Through a proprietary CMS with a host of automated features, CTG handles content uploads, multi-file transcoding, timed-release and timed-deletion – as dictated by your instructions.

  • QoE: Quality of experience is elevated through the use of both Adaptive Bitrate and Multi-Bitrate technologies.

  • Curation: Utilizing your rule sets, CTG will organize your channel’s content in real-time, ensuring viewers have concise access to the videos they desire.
Content Procurement *
  • Videos: We can help fill your new CTV app with popular niche programming (aligned with your brand) under a revenue sharing model – ensuring you won’t need to budget for additional content production and/or licensing above what you’ve already acquired or internally produced.
Channel Monetization *
  • Revenue: Most CTV channels are launched with the intention of generating direct revenue, but not all. If you’ve included direct revenue amongst your channel goals, we will guide you through the many different methods available to (directly) monetize your content, and then execute upon your selected method(s).

App Promotion *

  • SEO: Search engine optimization for each of the different CTV platforms in the market today is a critical component of your new CTV channel’s “discoverability”. We handle every step of this process, while educating you on the differing approach options and justifications for each manufacturer, (as they vary substantially).

  • Placement: Where and how your channel’s “tile” appears within a given streaming device can tremendously expedite adoption. We will negotiate premium tile placement opportunities directly with platform executives (on your behalf), whenever applicable.

  • Ads: If your budget permits, running display ads on select CTV platforms will have an outsized impact upon discovery. We’ll educate you on this worthwhile opportunity, negotiate the media buy(s), and manage the ad campaigns.

  • PIK: Payment-in-kind is an emerging opportunity in the CTV ecosphere where, most commonly, electronic manufacturers of Smart TVs will exchange display ads and advantageous tile placement in exchange for “in kind” promotion of their consumer electronic products on your CTV channel. We navigate these ropes for you and handle every aspect of this unique exchange, if applicable.

Data Analytics

  • KPI’s: You’ll have a host of real-time data available via an online dashboard to help you make more informed decisions across a multitude of Key Performance Indicators, from content foci to revenue to customer/viewer engagement. It’s your channel, it’s your data – CTG has no rights to your data, other than to provide it to you.

User Support

  • Helpdesk: If a user has trouble installing your app or simply has a question, we’ll handle the entire engagement and only involve you under rulesets you define.

*Optional Service.


Our native CTV applications integrate with CTV devices from dozens of different manufacturers, ensuring your new CTV channel is accessible worldwide, including more than 80% of US households.

Because, for example, a BRAVIA Smart TV from Sony runs on very different technology than an Xbox game console from Microsoft, we must build multiple CTV apps for your single channel; i.e., a separate, independent app for every Connected Television technology platform we support.

The Roku Ultra is a streaming media player from Roku’s brand of CTV devices, which also includes various Streaming Sticks and Streambars, as well as the Express and the Premier.

Roku singularly launched the CTV market back in 2008 (in partnership with Netflix), and with more than 55 million Monthly Active Users (MAU), Roku remains the market leader.

The Fire TV Cube is a streaming media player from Amazon’s brand of CTV devices, which also includes Fire TV Sticks and Amazon-branded Smart TVs.

With more than 50 million MAU, Amazon’s CTV product line is gaining ground on Roku’s market leadership.

Apple TV is a streaming media player from Apple, and should not be confused with their SVOD streaming television service, named Apple TV+.

Apple doesn’t publicly release their CTV MAU, but analysts estimate there are approximately 50 million Apple TV devices worldwide.

The Xbox One X is a streaming media player from Microsoft’s brand of CTV game consoles, which also includes the newly released Xbox Series X and Series S. There is a large, precisely undetermined number of legacy Xbox consoles still in use today.

With more than 100 million MAU, Xbox is one of the most proliferated CTV devices on the market. However, despite equal functionality, it still lags behind Roku (and other major CTV platforms) in its use by consumers as a traditional Connected Television device, as its primary purpose is that of a game console.

The Shield TV Pro is a streaming media player from NVIDIA’s brand of CTV devices, which also includes their standard Shield TV.

Shield TV was first sold in May of 2015, and represents a smaller but highly active viewership amongst CTV audiences.

The BRAVIA Smart TV is a streaming media player from Sony’s brand of Smart TV’s, which includes nineteen (19) different models, most of which are offered in several sizes.

Priced at the top of the market, Sony’s Smart TV line serves many of the most influential tastemakers in the nation, and thus an important audience to reach.


In 2020, CTV viewing hours jumped an astounding 81% over 2019 – attributable to the pandemic and a surge in cord-cutting. Robust adoption has continued into 2022, enabling CTV to surpass cable television as the dominant TV platform in America, with a penetration rate exceeding 80% of US households.

Launch your own CTV Channel


Given a choice, consumers of all ages prefer television sets to other screens, and watch more video content on TVs than any other device; e.g., the majority of Netflix & Hulu programming is consumed through a connected television screen.


CTV viewers are younger, affluent and college educated: 86% of Millennials and Gen Z watch their favorite video content via CTV.


Industry revenues for ad-supported VOD on CTV are exploding in lockstep with the Cord-Cutting phenomenon. The median ad rates (for video ads) delivered through CTV apps are 2x – 6x higher than broadcast/cable, and 6x – 10x higher than mobile (video ads). In addition to advertising on your network, sponsors are more likely to underwrite content production if they’re guaranteed CTV distribution. Unlike traditional/linear TV ad revenue, which was hit hard by Covid-19, CTV ad revenue has accelerated throughout the pandemic. With projected double-digit YoY growth and a 30-degree positive trendline across the next half-decade, the CTV advertising model represents a compelling business opportunity.

CTV Ad Revenue Billions

Launch your own CTV Channel


In 2020, CTV viewing hours jumped an astounding 81% over 2019 – attributable to the pandemic and a surge in cord-cutting. Robust adoption has continued into 2021, enabling CTV to surpass cable television as the dominant TV platform in America, with a penetration rate exceeding 80% of US households.


Given a choice, consumers of all ages prefer television sets to other screens, and watch more video content on TVs than any other option; e.g., the majority of Netflix & Hulu programming is consumed through a connected television device.


CTV viewers are younger, affluent and college educated: 86% of Millennials and Gen Z watch their favorite video content via CTV.


Industry revenues for ad-supported VOD on CTV are exploding in lockstep with the Cord-Cutting phenomenon. The median ad rates (for video ads) delivered through CTV apps are 2x – 6x higher than broadcast/cable, and 6x – 10x higher than mobile (video ads). In addition to advertising on your network, sponsors are more likely to underwrite content production if they’re guaranteed CTV distribution. Unlike traditional/linear TV ad revenue, which was hit hard by Covid-19, CTV ad revenue has accelerated throughout the pandemic. With projected double-digit YoY growth and a 30-degree positive trendline across the next half-decade, the CTV advertising model represents a compelling business opportunity.

CTV Ad Revenue Billions

Steven Spear

Head of Growth


Connected Television Group
5660 Badura Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89118